Threat & Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment (THIRA)

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Threat & Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment

THIRA is a three-step risk assessment process that helps communities answer the following questions:

  1. What threats and hazards can affect our community?
  2. If they occurred, what impacts would those threats and hazards have on our community?
  3. Based on those impacts, what capabilities should our community have?

Based on New Mexico’s THIRA the following were identified threats and hazards: cyber-attack, complex coordinated attack, earthquake, tornado, pandemic (human), flood and wildfire. These will be used to refine New Mexico’s core capability targets. The targets will then be used to identify gaps to assist DHSEM in identifying baseline capabilities to build from.

The Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR) will integrate all 32 core capabilities, utilize FEMA’s new THIRA methodology to review and update as required the worst threats and hazards facing New Mexico; and identify capabilities and gaps across the planning, organizing, exercise, training, and equipping spectrum. This process will follow the “whole of community” approach by engaging and soliciting input from local, tribal, state, federal, private sector, faith-based, and community partners. This report is submitted to FEMA bi-annually.

With local THIRA’s updated bi-annually, information extracted from local documents continues to strengthen and augment the State’s THIRA. The completed THIRA will facilitate efforts in identifying existing capabilities and resource gaps while providing a more focused approach with future planning, preparedness activities and funding.For more information please visit

For questions, please contact the DHSEM Local Preparedness Program at