CONTACT: David Lienemann
DHSEM Public Information Officer
January 23, 2023
Governor Appoints Ali Rye as Deputy Secretary at DHSEM
Rye promoted from Bureau Chief for Response and Recovery
SANTA FE – On Monday, Secretary-Designate David Dye of the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management announced that Ali Rye has been named Deputy Secretary at the Department. Rye previously was Bureau Chief for Response and Recovery where she oversaw a team that operates the States Emergency Operations Center and coordinates disaster response and recovery efforts on behalf of the State of New Mexico.
“Ali’s outstanding leadership during the 2022 wildfire season, shepherding the efforts of the Response and Recovery Bureau as well as overseeing the State’s Emergency Operations Center through a historic wildfire season where almost 900,000 acres of land burned around the state have served the citizen of New Mexico, as well as our department exceedingly well,” Dye said. “I’m looking forward to Ali’s continued service to the people of New Mexico.”
Rye led the department’s Response and Recovery Bureau since joining the Agency in February 2022, is the State Coordinating Officer for the Hermit’s Peak Calf Canyon Federal Disaster and has worked on numerous other federal disasters. Previously she worked in Emergency Management in San Juan County, New Mexico, at the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management, and at Walt Disney World in Florida. She attended Arkansas Technical University.
David Lienemann, Public Information Officer | David.Lienemann@DHSEM.NM.GOV | 505 479 0144